R.I.P. Hoss
Born: Oct. 1 and 2, 1930
Died: March 7, 2009

(Photo of Hoss proudly modeling the NIU sweatshirt I gave him.)
It is with a heavy heart that I share this news...
One of my favorite people, one of my first, oldest, nearest and dearest blog buddies, Gene Maudlin passed away today.
If Frank Sinatra and the Burger King guy had a love child, it would have been Hoss. He did it his way, making his exit here via Oregon’s Death with Dignity plan.
Spending his last months under the care of his bride, Scamp and hospice, Hoss wrote his own obituary.
The last line read, “Maudlin plans to be cremated and then will reincarnate.”
A jokester to the end. He will be missed more than I can express.