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Friday, July 01, 2005

Prairie Dog Town

Not much time to post today. I thought maybe some pictures might be better than me rambling a bunch of nonsensical bullshit today. Feel free to leave your silly captions in the comments. Below you will see the fine animals mentioned in this post from our family road trip from hell. Happy 4th to all of you! And happy birthday to my very best friend in the whole wide world. I love ya Honey! One of these days, I will blog about that Honey bullshit, and maybe spoonin'.

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"Come on baby. Give Papa Prairie Dawg some backdoor lovin'."

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"Can I keep him Mom? Please!"

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"If I didn't have these two extra legs growing out of my ass, I would get up and stick that camera where the sun don't shine!"

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"Crickey, look at this baby goat I captured with my bare hands. Ain't it amazin'?"

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This two headed calf, which we originally thought was a goat or a pig, smells so bad they put an air freshener up next to it. Lane 2 says, "Two heads aren't better than one."

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Rosco the minature donkey said, "Fucking people! And they call me a jackass! Puh-lease!"