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Friday, February 03, 2006

Hungry Like The Wolf

My daughter Lane 2 and I were reading the news online the other day. She spotted a link for bizarre photos of 2005 and asked me if we could look at them. This was one of the first to show up.

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People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) staged a protest in Rhode Island by placing themselves in containers resembling supermarket meat trays.

My 11-year-old daughter didn't really get the concept. I explained that the folks at PETA think eating animals is as bad as eating people, and their protest costumes were their way of showing what they believe.

Although she was disgusted at the way the group tried to make a point, primarily because they were naked, she thought it was good for them to stand up for what they believe in.

Our conversation turned to vegetarianism. She said she couldn't be a vegetarian. "I mean, I love animals and I hate the idea of them dying so I can eat them and stuff, but vegetables just aren't that good to be eating all of the time. I'd have to eat macaroni and cheese a lot. And then I'd be a noodletarian."

I reminded her of the time she became a vegetarian, which lasted two whole days. We took a road trip with her dad. We were behind a cattle hauling truck. We could see the animals looking through the holes in the trailer. They were all babies on their way to becoming veal.

The bumper sticker on the trailer said, "Beef, it's what's for dinner." Mr. Lane and I thought it was pretty funny, in a morbid sort of a way. Lane 1 and Lane 2 both were appalled. Neither ate meat for a couple of days.

I said, "So the way I see it is, PETA should really stand for People Eating Tasty Animals."

To which Lane 2 said with a smile, "I am going to pray for you in chapel, Mommy."

"Yeah? Well, while you're praying, can you thank the big guy for me for making animals so darn tasty?"

"I'm going to have to get the whole school to pray for you after that little comment, Mom. Otherwise, you're going down, way down."

Have a great weekend everybody!